Top 10 Foods to Curb Cravings
eDiets Senior Writer
If you are still wasting time counting calories or carbohydrates, it is time to get the "whole" picture. The best way to slim down may just be to fill up… on the right kinds of whole foods that can help you curb those cravings for good.
"Switching from refined foods to whole foods will help you feel full on fewer calories," says Ivy Ingram Larson. "Eating plenty of whole foods can also help you reduce hidden sources of empty calories."
A whole foods diet, along with vitamin supplementation and exercise is part of the Fitter Firmer Faster (Health Communications Inc.) program developed by Ivy and her husband, Dr. Andrew Larson. The new book is a follow-up to the best-selling Gold Coast Cure, which was published in 2005.
“You’re not just going to lose weight,” Ivy says. “You will transform your body with our 3-pronged approach.”
And if anyone knows what a tremendous difference this healthy approach to weight loss can make, it is Ivy. More than eight years ago, this fitness instructor from Jupiter, Fla., was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Her symptoms included bladder urgency, loss of strength and depression. When Ivy was desperate for a miracle, her neurologist put her on a special diet known as the Swank Diet.
“I knew a lot about exercise, but I really had a lot to learn about proper nutrition,” Ivy says. “I thought it didn’t matter what I ate as long as my weight was under control.”
Since the Swank Diet was bland and hard to follow, Ivy and her husband (then in medical school) put their heads together to make some modifications. The result was the healthy eating plan outlined in their books.
“I made a tremendous switch in the types of foods I eat,” Ivy says. “I don’t eat standard, processed foods anymore.”
Today, Ivy is a walking miracle. She has been able to return to vibrant health without taking any medication. The doting mother attributes her awe-inspiring success to the program outlined in the Fitter Firmer Faster book. But this remarkable 3-pronged approach isn’t only useful for fighting diseases, it can help you get a killer body, too.
According to Ivy, eating wholesome, balanced foods can actually cause a person’s appetite to self-regulate. Now, in this eDiets exclusive, she shares 10 foods that can help you curb your cravings.
Vegetables and Fruits
In spite of what you may have read in other diet books, Ivy says, all fruits and vegetables are helpful for weight loss. In fact, fruits and vegetables are at the top of the Fitter Firmer Faster food list. These superstar foods are rich in nutrients, low in calories and packed with fiber.
Whole Grains
Get the whole truth. Ivy says that whole grains retain the nutrient-rich germ, which is no longer present in refined grains or flour. This means that whole grains are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fats. Many studies have also linked whole-grain consumption to proper weight management.
Beans And Legumes
Bean there, done that. According to Ivy, beans and legumes provide the “maximum nutritional bang for the minimum calorie buck.” That’s because the foods in this group are packed with protein, fiber, iron, potassium and folate.
You say “poh-tah-to,” I say good for weight loss. Despite the bad rap potatoes have gotten in the press, Ivy says, they provide a “strong nutritional punch in a relatively low-calorie package.” Potatoes actually contain lots of healthy nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, B vitamins and phytonutrients. Just be careful what you top them with!
Swimmingly good. Since they are just packed with healthy omega-3 fats, eating fish actually promotes fat-burning in the body. Ivy says that the omega-3 fats found in most fish are also “the most potent anti-inflammatory substances available without a prescription.”
Oh say, can you soy? Eating soy can help you lose weight, because it is full of nutrients but low in calories. Soy foods such as edamame beans and soy beans also have the added advantage of being rich in fiber.
Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil
Just the flax, ma’am. Flax is actually a great source of omega-3 fat. According to Ivy, flaxseeds and flax oils are digested slowly, so they can keep you feeling full for hours. She also says that flaxseeds offer an added bonus for weight loss, since they are rich and filling in fiber.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts about weight loss? Walnuts and pumpkin seeds are great sources of omega-3 fats. Other nuts such as almonds, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts are packed with monounsaturated fats.
Low-Fat Plain Yogurt
Ivy says that yogurts and other cultured dairy products like kefir contain more nutrition than milk. Yogurt is also a great source of calcium.
Omega-3 Enriched Eggs
Eggs-actly what you need to lose weight. Eggs are full of healthy nutrients, such as B vitamins, zinc, vitamins A & D, iron and the antioxidant lutein.
Fitter Firmer Faster is really three books in one. The health-conscious couple has made their approach easier than ever to follow by adding a detailed exercise program and more than 50 delicious recipes.
To get your own copy of Fitter Firmer Faster, click here.
To find out more information about The Gold Coast Cure, click here to visit the official web site.
You can lose weight and improve your health, but you may have to adopt a healthy lifestyle to accomplish those goals. eDiets now offers the Mayo Clinic Plan
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