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Spring Food: Spinach

From South Beach Diet(tm)
South Beach Diet

Though not guaranteed to give you super strength, spinach is rich in many nutrients including beta-carotene, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin K. Spinach is abundantly available year-round, but it's at its peak in the spring. Enjoy spinach on all Phases of The South Beach Diet(tm) - try it raw and tossed with chopped egg, crumbled turkey bacon, and vinaigrette; steamed or sautéed with garlic and olive oil as a side dish; or as part of a stir-fry made with chicken or lean beef.

Buying: Fresh spinach can be purchased either loose or in bags. It's easier to judge the quality of loose spinach, but the bags are a boon when it comes to convenience. Look for green, undamaged leaves and avoid those with yellow spots, wilted parts, or a sour smell. Leaves with thinner stems will typically be sweeter tasting and more tender.

Storing: Spinach can be stored in its original bag in the refrigerator for three to four days. To prevent wilting, spinach should never be washed before storing.

Preparing: Before cooking, wash spinach carefully — the leaves tend to gather grit. Some bags come pre-washed, but rinse them again to remove as much sand as possible. To wash properly, drop spinach leaves in a colander and rinse with cool water, stirring gently with your hands. Then spin the leaves in a salad spinner or dry them with a paper towel. While spinach makes a delicious salad base, some of the nutrients are better absorbed when cooked. Therefore, you should try preparing it both raw and cooked. For tasty spinach recipes, log on to and click on Food & Recipes on the left-hand navigation bar. Enjoy! Not a member? Join South Beach Diet(tm)Today!
South Beach Diet


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